Reach Out to Jesus

“If I only touch his cloak, I will be made well.” Matthew 9:21 (nrsv)

That’s the strength of the Lord’s power. If I reach out in faith, He will respond. I’m not worthy of the gift of eternal life He has given me through His death and Resurrection. Yet because of Christ’s graciousness and mercy, when He feels me desperate and reaching out to the one person who can save me, He responds. When I clumsily fumble about for the fringe of His cloak, extending my desperate hand and my heart to Him, Christ takes action. It doesn’t matter how we get to Christ, but only that we do.

I imagine my lowly self touching the hem of His garment, of being felt and seen and picked up and cradled in Christ’s arms. He wants to hold me, if only I will reach out my arms to Him. And I am in such desperate need of my Lord and my Savior.

FAITH STEP: Reach out to Jesus today and trust that He feels your need and rescues you.

Written by Judy Baer

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