Remove the Veil

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 (tniv)

When you take off a veil, you’re vulnerable. A veil is to obscure or completely hide your face, and revealing your face puts you in a place where you’re exposed and defenseless.

Jesus wants that vulnerability from us because if we’re not vulnerable, we can’t be fully connected with Him. He talks about us abiding in Him, and that kind of oneness doesn’t happen if we’re not completely open to Him.

When we first give our lives to Christ, we’re very open with Him—after all, we’ve surrendered our will and hearts to Him. But as time passes and you walk along a different path, learning new things, other areas in your life pop up and maybe you don’t completely surrender those areas to Jesus. They might seem innocent enough—why bother to ask Jesus what school to send your daughter to? Or whether to buy that house or not? Or if you should quit your job or take a job at a particular company?

But Jesus wants us to be unguarded with Him. He never asked Peter, James or John to put a veil over their faces when Jesus was transfigured. Jesus was exposed and so were they. So why would He want you to not offer up all areas of your life to Him?

FAITH STEP: Take time to pray about any areas in your life that you haven’t opened up to Jesus. Where are you defensive? Where have you protected yourself? What have you walled off apart from Jesus? Offer them to Him. Take off your veil.

Written by Camy Tang

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