Living Light
Dr. James Merritt
Have you ever wondered how Moses handled discouragement? Or how Paul maintained a positive attitude when he faced the criticism and threats of others?
Surely Paul fought with discouragement when he faced the threat of death. However, he kept his focus set on Christ, who was his infinite strength and eternal hope. We can do the same.
Life may have many challenges — especially when you are doing what God has given you to do. But you don't have to be overwhelmed by disappointment. We should long to be heroes of the faith — people who seek to win the race set before us and to achieve the goal that God has given.
When trouble comes, don't give up. Don't lose heart, and don't listen to harassment. God has a plan for your life. When you feel like quitting, think about Paul's life and all he did for the Lord. He was not called to be famous or to have a vast sum of money. He was called by God to preach His Word to the lost. Paul did exactly what he was given to do. He obeyed God and surrendered his life to Christ. He went from being a man of position in the Jewish faith to an outcast and traitor. What may have appeared to be failure from a human standpoint was actually the mark of true victory.
God does not ask you to cross a finish line with the goal of reaching worldly success. He does not hand out trophies that look good in a case or sitting on a shelf. The trophies of our faith come at a price. Just as Christ gave His life, are you willing to give your life to Him? Forsaking all else, will you follow Christ and proclaim His love and forgiveness to a dying world?
Prayer: Lord, help me not to lose sight of eternity. I pray that I would not lose sight of those around me who are in desperate need of You. Open my eyes today and use me to spread Your Gospel. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
"Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God" (1 John 5:5).