There Is Always More to the Story

"For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection [of reality as in a riddle or enigma], but then [when perfection comes] we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part (imperfectly), but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood [by God]." 1 Corinthians 13:12, AMP

When Jeff and I were in Bible school, we heard two particular phrases that have helped us these many years.

One of the phrases an instructor of ours used was: “Always stay on God’s side!” By that he meant, anytime you hear people share their testimonies, thoughts, experiences, opinions or Bible teachings and it creates confusion regarding God’s character – always stay on God’s side. God is always good. His character is always love. He is never double-minded and He is never schizo.

Sometimes, to make ourselves feel better about circumstances, we invent theories about God that are totally unbiblical. When someone dies, people say things like, “Well God needed them in heaven more than we need them here.” Or, when something terrible happens, people say things like, “Well God knows best and His ways are higher than our ways. He must have brought that into your life to teach you a lesson….” These types of comments sound noble – but they are not Biblical – and there is always more to the story.

A preacher tells the story of a 39-year-old man who had an accident, went into a coma and died. Many people prayed for him to be healed, but instead – he died. In a situation like that it would have been easy to say, “Well it must not have been God’s will to heal him…or the Lord’s timeline isn’t our timeline…etc.” But for those who knew that there was more to the story – they understood that the 39-year-old-man predicted his own death for most of his life by his own words. For many years this young man had said, “I won’t live to see 40 years. I will never live to be 40.” With his words, he set spiritual laws into motion and he experienced the reality of the Scripture that says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21, NKJV) His untimely death was not the result of God’s arbitrary act of cruelty – there was more to the story.

Never forget that. There is ALWAYS more to the story. Always stay on God’s side.

The second phrase we heard many times while in Bible school was this simple axiom found in 1 Corinthians 13: Love believes the best.

No matter what happens; what people say or do; how betrayed or abandoned you feel; how hurt or offended you are tempted to be or how convincing the gossip seems to be – love believes the best. There is always more to the story. Love trusts the track record and character of those involved. Love is sure the pain inflicted wasn’t intentional. Love is able to forgive because it is sure that mean people know not what they do. Love believes the decisions, policies and procedures are in their best interest. Love looks for a way to wear the shoes of others, to try to understand their view. Love doesn’t believe the worst – it believes the best. Love knows that there is always more to the story – so love believes the best about everyone.

Years ago, we heard some funny accusations about our church. One member told us about his co-worker who believed our church made people sign over their paychecks to the church. Another member told us that he heard someone say our church made people pay extra to sit in the front rows. We told these members that they had it all wrong. We don’t make people sign their paychecks over to the church and we don’t make people pay to sit in the front row; instead we just insert a computer chip into everyone’s forehead during the mandatory retina scan; that way we can track their every movement. Seriously? Of course not – love believes the best! While people will say and do a lot of crazy things – we are not to believe everything we hear. We need to walk in love and know that there is always more to the story!

Don’t ever forget it. There is ALWAYS more to the story. Always stay on God’s side.

Stay on God’s side when you’re tempted to be mad at God…there is always more to the story.

Stay on the side of people in the know when you’re tempted to be a know it all…there is always more to the story.

Stay on the side of those at the top and trust they have a comprehensive view…there is always more to story.

Stay on the side of those who’ve demonstrated Christian character knowing their track record…there is always more to story.

Today – maybe you need to change your mind or view about someone or something. Stay on God’s side and remember, love believes the best. You can rest assured that there is ALWAYS more to the story.

Say It: “Father, I know that there is ALWAYS more to the story. Today, I choose to stay on Your side and I choose to walk in love and believe the best. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

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