Todo tiene su tiempo, todo tiene su hora

"... Everything has its time, and all that is under heaven has its time made everything beautiful in its time ...."  Ecclesiastes 3: 1,11

The love of God through the cross reached and enabled me today to be a Christian single woman prepared professionally, with a job and is a member of a beautiful young church.

A common living daily women who share with me these features, you get all the possible number of comments or questions about our apparent bachelorhood, questions such as: "? You are not yet boyfriend" "What do you expect to get married" "I think it's time you have a husband and children, I know a single guy you could meet".

What apparently unaware of these people with the best intentions we deal with such questions and comments, yes, we really want with all our heart to enjoy marriage and our heart is often sad because today it is not a reality. And that's when we run to the presence of the Lord where we know there is fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11) and ask grace to enjoy, rejoice and delight in Him until the date indicated by him.

The sad thing is that sometimes these "good intentions" to speed in us something that our Sovereign God has not allowed afflict us, but did not demonstrate in public. And when these scenes originate inside the church, we ask: Could it be that my brothers they forget that God is sovereign even in this? And that for him there is nothing difficult? Psalm 135: 6 says, " Whatever the Lord pleases He does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps" .

At such times is the word of God hidden in our hearts that gives breath to our lives and reminds us that the best thing that ever happened to us in life is over, Jesus on the cross, Jesus to the Father today (Romans 3 : 24-26). We have a perfect Father, Almighty Sovereign and which in time "absolutely everything makes beautiful". Therefore there is a better way, there is a more excellent way to wait joyous with the help of the Holy Spirit's perfect will of God.

So it is healthy ask this question when we submitted these situations, because they will not end as long as we girls: 'If His will had been that today we were engaged to be married or already married, would not we be?

Everything has its time, not my time, or yours, or someone else's time ... It is in God's time, in the beautiful God's time.

Por Yuliana mary

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