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Average time per day for this plan: 9 Minutes
You've completed 0 lessons of this 7 lesson plan.
Getting Ready to Worship
Worship Every Day
Worship in Your Trials
Worshiping with Our Best, Not Our Leftovers
Worship as a Lifestyle
Worship as a Church
The Heart of Worship

We were created to worship, and it is an easy thing for us to do. The problem is, we don’t always worship God in the manner He deserves because we have a tendency to focus on ourselves instead of on Him.

Worship is an essential element of our relationship with God. It puts our lives in perspective, and it ascribes glory and worth to our God, our King, and our Creator.

Our worship expresses His value in our lives, and it helps us remember how awesome He is. When we worship God, we are giving Him thanks and praise for all He is to us. 

This growth plan will help you understand what true worship is and how to practice giving authentic reverence to God.

Study Guide
Lesson 1
Getting Ready to Worship

Authentic worship begins in the heart and bursts forth in our actions and in our thoughts.

20 mins
Lesson 2
Worship Every Day

When you do everything for God, worship will be what you do every day.

4 mins
Lesson 3
Worship in Your Trials

When life gets difficult, our natural inclination is to focus on the challenges we're facing instead of on the goodness of God. But, we can't forget to worship in the hard times.

5 mins
Lesson 4
Worshiping with Our Best, Not Our Leftovers

God gave us His first and His best. Knowing this should spur us to worship Him with enthusiasm!

7 mins
Lesson 5
Worship as a Lifestyle

Worship is not something to be saved for Sunday. Since we have access to God at all times because of what Jesus did, we can stand in His presence and offer Him praise at all times.

4 mins
Lesson 6
Worship as a Church

While worship is something you can do all day, every day, there is also a time and place for corporate worship—a coming together of God’s children to lift His name in honor and praise.

4 mins
Lesson 7
The Heart of Worship

The true heart of worship is remembering how much grace, unmerited favor, and forgiveness God has given us.

20 mins
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