Some people have the spiritual gift of evangelism; the passion runs so deep in their hearts that they can do nothing else but share about Jesus. We may not all have the spiritual gift of evangelism, but we all have the responsibility to share the love, grace, and mercy that Jesus gave us at the cross.
Evangelism can be a scary thing for some people -- we think we have to go through a checklist, memorizing all the right verses and learning all the right steps to lead someone to Jesus. That’s not really what evangelism is about. Sure, there is room for Scripture and order in the presentation of the Gospel, but most evangelism happens in your everyday life. Evangelism is about helping people meet the most important person in your life -- Jesus.
For this Growth Plan, we’ve put together content to help you learn how to share Jesus in your daily life through the relationships you have built with your neighbors, friends, co-workers, family, and other people God has put in your path.
When you model godly behavior like love, gentleness, patience, and forgiveness, you show people what Jesus is like.
Living your life in a way that shows the hope of salvation to the people who don’t know God is a good way to start developing a lifestyle of evangelism.
You don’t need to be a biblical scholar to be able to effectively share your faith, but it does help if you know some Scripture about who Jesus is and how a person can put his or her faith in Him.
Jesus is the best model of evangelism we can follow. He always engaged with people where they were, meeting their needs and showing love.
Evangelism is about building relational bridges with people, connecting with what is important to them, and sharing the story of how Jesus has worked in your life.
Here is an easy acronym that can help you remember some simple steps to turn a casual conversation into something more spiritual so you can share your faith.
While you interact with your friends, neighbors, co-workers and others whom God puts on your path, you can use everyday moments to share what Jesus means to you.