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Giving Beyond Your Tithe
Trusting God Is the Beginning of Generosity
Grace Motivates Generosity
God Blesses Generosity
When You Struggle with Generosity
Your Generosity is a Gauge of Your Trust in God's Provision
Increasing Your Generosity

What does it look like to live a generous life and give where God calls us to give?

Generous Christians are willing and able to give abundantly to whatever need God puts on their hearts. When a Christian gives generously (of time or money), he or she is abundantly blessed by God according to His promises in the Bible. God modeled ultimate generosity when He gave His Son for our salvation.

In that case, shouldn’t we be jumping at the chance to give out of gratitude for what He has done for us?

Sometimes, though, there are things that keep us from living as generously as we would like. Our own mismanagement of money or time can keep us from giving, or fear can keep us from trusting God to provide for our needs.

This Growth Plan will help you understand the principles of generosity and how to overcome personal challenges you may encounter when it comes to living generously.

Study Guide
Lesson 1
Giving Beyond Your Tithe

As you are faithful in tithing, God will be generous towards you, which allows you to be more generous in giving wherever it’s needed—even beyond your tithe.

7 mins
Lesson 2
Trusting God Is the Beginning of Generosity

If you can trust God with other areas of your life (like salvation), then you can learn to trust Him with your finances, too.

7 mins
Lesson 3
Grace Motivates Generosity

If your generosity is motivated by anything other than the incredible example of God’s love for us, it might be time to rethink your giving.

7 mins
Lesson 4
God Blesses Generosity

God promises a bountiful harvest in response to our generous giving.

7 mins
Lesson 5
When You Struggle with Generosity

Why is it that so many of us hold back from being generous?

7 mins
Lesson 6
Your Generosity is a Gauge of Your Trust in God's Provision

Do you really believe that God will replenish what you generously give? Or are you being deceived into thinking that your life will be less if you have less money in your pocket?

7 mins
Lesson 7
Increasing Your Generosity

Learn how to continually increase your generosity by following these five simple steps.

7 mins
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