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Expectation vs. Anticipation
Seek His Face

Helpless you are not.

Hopeless, nope. That’s not for you either.

Over the next week, I invite you to enter into prayer by way of sitting with a well known Old Testament verse. This world seems to be spinning out and we must remember who holds the world in the palm of His hands. What is usually a rally cry verse for Americans to gather other Americans in national prayer for the wealth and well being of our nation, we will take that into consideration but pray toward the long game, the bigger game, if you will. 

“…if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Taking into account the Old Testament context of this verse, we will sift it through New Testament promises. Looking through the lens of the Gospel, we will see that we are neither helpless or hopeless in these crazy days we live in. Why?

Because God’s presence changes everything.

Jesus changes EVERYTHING.

Prayer is the act of leaning in to listen to the heartbeat of our loving Father. When we pray and delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our heart. (Psalm 37:4) The caveat to that is what changes in us when we delight ourselves in Him. When we seek out God Himself (and no other person or thing), the desires of our heart turn into a burning for His presence.

More of God Himself means more restoration of our homes, our cities, our nation. More of God Himself means mercy pours out and justice is served…righteous justice, that is. More of God Himself means we don’t live in a scarcity mindset, but as people loved. Do we truly know how His presence and love changes everything? 

Let’s pray together to find out!

Each day this Revival Ready Prayer guide breaks down 2 Chronicles 7:14 and pairs it with Scripture promises from the New Testament. You will find a bit of teaching and musing from yours truly. That is not where I want you to end each day, though. My words are only the appetizer to the main course in your bountiful feast with the Lord in prayer.

The Prayer Points are what counts. Please take them as starters in your own conversation with the Lord as you seek a fresh burning of the Holy Spirit. And at the end of this week together, I’m confident that you will find yourself in a place where revival happens in you and then through you. The Spirit was already poured out at Pentecost. The day you surrendered your life and love to Jesus, He equipped you with power and wisdom from on high. The question is:

Will you choose to walk confident in His love and power?

Will you actively ask God to show you His glory?

Will you move forward in your world spreading the revival fire?

You are not helpless in these dark days. You are equipped.

You are not hopeless in uncertainty. God’s goodness prevails. 

Revival ready is what you are, in Jesus’ name! Amen!

Study Guide
Lesson 1
Expectation vs. Anticipation

Wherever there are those with eyes to see and hearts humbled to worship Him as Lord, the Holy Spirit will move like a fire. 

7 mins
Lesson 2

The fellowship with our Creator is what the depth of our soul yearns for. Jesus made that possible. Jesus alone. He changes everything. 

7 mins
Lesson 3

Our human-limited capacity only takes us so far. Why in the world are we not taking this humble posture before God Himself who carries the perfect blueprint of our life and His plan for creation?

7 mins
Lesson 4
Seek His Face

As you make the holy decision to seek God’s face, favor, love, wisdom, forgiveness, mercy, He will meet you there to take you to new depths of knowing His character…who He is.

7 mins
Lesson 5

God’s best is found when we turn away from anything that tells us God is not enough, that He is holding out on us.

7 mins
Lesson 6

I need the deep heart reminder that Jesus is the rescue plan when the world seems to be exploding. He is our plan A and the only option today, tomorrow, and forever.

7 mins
Lesson 7

We don’t know when Jesus will return. But, the call here is to be ready with our lives reflecting His glory.

7 mins
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