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Get Over Yourself, Make Much of Jesus
Get Your Pen Moving
Plant Your Feet


A note from Sarah…

Welcome to my fun offering of Vibrant Life Hacks: Start Strong. If you are anything like me, you might be heading into the new year full force while also hoping to catch some rest after the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. Or, I’m wondering if you are one of those gals who is wild and free and enjoying this new season, yet there’s a part of you that knows you need something to keep you grounded. I invite you to join in on 5 simple yet impactful life hacks (also called spiritual disciplines if we are getting technical) that will help you set a great foundation for the new year. These life hacks will set you up for growth towards clarity, direction, and deeper connection with the Father as you start strong in 2022. 

Remember that key word I mentioned a second ago? Simple! I also want to emphasize impactful. And let’s also add in Spirit lead. My hope for you is that you will simply take each Vibrant Life hack one by one, allowing the Lord to move and propel you forward…but in His perfect timing. So, start with #1 and let the Lord speak to you. Then, as you hear the Lord say keep going, add in #2 and so on and so forth. These life hacks are in no way conclusive and the only list toward meaningful spiritual growth. But they are a few of my tried and true ways that I have moved from blah faith toward a vibrant relationship with Jesus. 

So, let’s get started. Each hack will include a bit of a word from me as an introduction. Then, you will find Scripture and a prayer or posture to take toward application. Use these as starting points to stir your heart. See where God takes you! I can’t wait for Him to move in this. 

So, let’s get started!

Study Guide
Lesson 1
Get Over Yourself, Make Much of Jesus

This video is all about when life gets complicated, frustrating or when suffering is at your doorstep. I in no way want to seem trite about suffering. But rather, to keep our perspective in check when we become hyper focused on our rights, needs, wants, agenda.

7 mins
Lesson 2
Get Your Pen Moving

Keeping things simple though, the best way to stay engaged and enthralled with the Bible is to get your pen moving while you read it.

7 mins
Lesson 3

Sometimes we just don’t feel God’s love. Sometimes we just don’t want to worship or pray. Sometimes sitting in the Word feels boring or bland. These are normal, human reactions when our faith feels blah.

7 mins
Lesson 4

Clearing out what distracts us. It’s often called “margin” and we hear this term when talking about creating free space in our schedule for rest or breaths of fresh air.

7 mins
Lesson 5
Plant Your Feet

Vibrant life hack: trust God’s goodness in your here and now and planting your feet.

7 mins
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