
30-Day, TV-Free Challenge


Give up TV for 30 days, and see if you don't notice a transformation in your home and in your life!

Encouragement #1

Way to go! You’ve accepted the 30-Day, TV-Free Challenge and have sent your TV on a month-long vacation. (Or maybe it’s you who’s on vacation.)

We are certain that God will bless you and your family as a result of your commitment. As you focus on God and your family for the next thirty days, don’t be surprised if you experience these benefits:

Insight into God’s purpose for your life:

  • New direction and family goals
  • Stronger relationships
  • More time for prayer and Bible study
  • Maybe even weight loss as you substitute a “couch potato” mentality with real living

May you experience great joy as you enter this exciting challenge!

Encourage a friend to take the 30-Day, TV-Free Challenge  with you.

Encouragement #2

Time is precious, and worth more than money for most of us. How have you been spending your extra time since you’ve accepted the 30-Day, TV-Free Challenge?

As you’ve probably realized, turning off the TV doesn’t rid your home of idleness; it merely provides time for other distractions. If you want to be more intentional about the way you spend your time, check out Family Fun for Everyone—fifty ideas to help you create new memories with those you love.

Encouragement #3

Are you enjoying the 30-Day, TV-Free Challenge? It’s exciting to think that others all across the country are not tuning in to the TV, but tuning in to God and their families instead. There are probably many changes in your own home already, and we are eager to hear about them.

Are there any evidences of changed hearts? Any new goals and priorities? Has God given you a new vision for what you or your family can accomplish for His kingdom?

Encouragement #4 

Congratulations! A month without TV...Have you noticed a transformation in your life and home. As you reflect on your TV-free month, perhaps you will consider an ongoing changed relationship with your television. If you do choose to resume your TV time, it would be our prayer that this new awareness of God’s presence in your life and home would not be forgotten in the days and months to come.

May God bless you, and may you live your life and spend your time for His glory!

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