A Great Spiritual Inheritance

With the exception of the sound of shuffling papers, the room is quiet while a family waits to hear what they will inherit from a deceased loved one. No matter how much wealth the person had, though, one thing is most certainly true: His or her resources won’t last forever.

In his message “Wealthy Saints,” Dr. Stanley reminds us that God has “blessed [his children] with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” (Eph. 1:3). This gift has nothing to do with our behavior or performance. We receive it only because of our relationship with Jesus Christ.

How do we know our spiritual inheritance from God is so great? When we read Ephesians 1:1-14, we see that it comes from:

  1. His Will: His will is for us to receive all that He has for us.
  2. His Grace: It’s His unmerited, undeserved favor.
  3. His Glory: It’s His desire to glorify Himself by bequeathing to us spiritual wealth.
  4. His Power: It’s His power that creates all, preserves all, and provides all.
  5. His Love: Why has He bequeathed to us all we will ever need? He loves us.
  6. His Pleasure: It gives Him great joy to give to His children.
  7. His Purpose: Before the foundation of the world, He planned our inheritance.
  8. His Calling: He calls us into salvation, sanctification, and service.
  9. His Inheritance: Our name is on His will for eternity.
  10. His Workmanship: We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works.

We will never have to worry about someone contesting or trying to steal this inheritance. It is guaranteed by God, who has written our names in the Lamb’s book of life. So let’s not live in spiritual poverty, but instead take advantage of the never-ending riches available to us in Christ Jesus.

Written by Beth K. Fortune

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