A Quick Look into Psalm 42

All Your Waves and Breakers Have Washed Over Me

Read Psalm 42. Meditate on verses 7-8. Write those two out.

1. Several of you have caught that the mood of Psalm 42 is both positive and negative. In verses 7-8, there is water (now), yet still the psalmist is talking to his downcast soul. How can “waves and billows” both drown you yet also save you? (Think of the story of Noah)

2. How may the very thing that you think is pulling you down, actually be an instrument of salvation? (If you can’t see it in your present circumstance, then look back to something you lost, something you thought you had to have, and now you see how God knew exactly what He was doing for your soul?)

3. In verse 7, waves and breakers keep coming—what thought parallels this in verse 8?

4. Google Annie Johnson Flint’s poem “His Billows” —what insight does this give you?

5. Listen to the positive water images in Deep, Deep Love of Jesus—note down what you hear

6. My favorite phrase of all: “Deep calls to deep” —what do you think it means?

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