A Right Attitude

Today’s Reading: Genesis 18-19

Key Verse: Genesis 18:17

And the Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing…”

Before judgment, God always gives an opportunity for mercy. Abraham interceded with the Lord, asking Him to spare Sodom, and finally settling on 10 righteous people who would be sufficient to protect the city. Lot probably had at least that number in his household. However, only Lot, himself, was found to be righteous. God reveals His plans to someone so that they can pray fervently and give warning of impending judgment. For example: Noah before the flood; the increasing severity of the plagues before the final judgment on Egypt; the warnings of Jesus Himself before the destruction of Jerusalem, and others that I could mention. Abraham’s attitude (NIV) or mind (NKJV) was for mercy and not judgment. He experienced mercy himself in the promise of the birth of a son with his wife Sarah.


Lord, I intercede through the person of Jesus Christ, Your Son and my Savior. I pray for the protection of people everywhere. I pray for all to open their hearts to Your mercy shown in sending Your Son to save them. I pray for the soul-winning outreach of the ministry sponsoring this daily devotional, Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. I pray also for all those in leadership at the ministry, the CEO, the Spiritual Director and all who work with them in the production of a variety of ministries to bring men, women, boys and girls to Yourself. Amen!


The cause of protecting humanity’s oldest covenant, “marriage between one man and one woman,” has moved me deeply. First of all, I held several focus groups with mechanics at garages during their lunch hour. When I asked them about “marriage” they would talk about their parents and grandparents, and even their own marriages. Then one of them would say, “#*@!!, I guess marriage doesn’t mean anything any more.” I went into intercession most of one night and I believe God said to me, “You must not take a public stand for traditional marriage unless you have the “attitude” of Abraham toward Sodom. I believe God gave me a gift of a loving approach to all who supported same sex unions. According to Jesus, one man, one woman, is God’s plan (Matthew 19:5). To trash His plan means that Judgment is not far away. I pray fervently for God to hold back His acts of judgment and to extend mercy to all.

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