
Access to the Almighty


Remember the awesome relationship you have with God as His son or daughter. He is waiting to hear from you and help you.

When Jesus sacrificed His life for us, one of the greatest things He accomplished was giving us complete and total access to our Heavenly Father. Jesus paid the price to remove the wall of sin that stood between the Creator and His creation.  Those of us who have accepted the sacrifice Christ made can now walk directly into the very presence of our Father without shame or guilt.

In Matthew 23:9 Jesus told us not to call anyone on earth our father. He was speaking of spiritual leaders in this passage of the Bible. He went on to say that we have only one Father, He who is in heaven. He was telling us that we don’t need another person to represent us before God. In the Old Testament the priests came to God on behalf of the people, but in the New Testament – the covenant with God we now live in – we each have direct access to Him. The Bible says we have been made priests to God (see 1 Peter 2:9; Revelation 5:9-10).

I pray that throughout each day you will remember the awesome relationship you have with God as His son or daughter.  It’s a relationship that none other compares to. You’ve been adopted into God’s family and your Dad is excited to hear from you, excited to help you, and excited about you!


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