Amazing Love


Father, thank You for the specific relationships You have put in our lives and for friends who know and love us.


2 Samuel 1:17-27


Do you have a friend like Jonathan?

Despite the fact that in 1 Samuel God had rejected Saul's kingship, David praises Saul as a great leader, swifter than an eagle and stronger than a lion (23). This shows David's humility. Rather than remind his men of all his great victories, David instead praises Saul and Jonathan. Humility is a key component of godly leaders (Mark 9:35).

David makes a comment about Jonathan (26), describing Jonathan's love as "more wonderful than that of women." Love has many forms. Although David's wife Michal showed him romantic love, he shared a brotherly love with Jonathan, who valued David's gifts, understood his weaknesses and loved David unconditionally as a friend. One commentator suggests, "Whereas Jonathan's sister Michal loved David the warrior but found David the dancing harpist more difficult to cope with, and Saul loved David the harpist but could not really accept David's success as a warrior, Jonathan loved and accepted the whole person" (A Cook, Fiction and History in Samuel and Kings, JSOT 36, 1986, 27-48).

One of the greatest things about God is that he loves us unconditionally, just as we are, no matter what.


Are you a friend like Jonathan? Do you see the best in your family and friends and love them for who they are?


Jesus, You are my most intimate friend. Thank You for knowing me, loving me and making me whole.

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