
But God Made Me This Way!


"For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all." James 2:10 How many times have you heard this nugget of logic? “Why shouldn’t homosexuals be able to have a marital relationship just like heterosexuals do...

"For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all." James 2:10

How many times have you heard this nugget of logic? “Why shouldn’t homosexuals be able to have a marital relationship just like heterosexuals do? After all, they didn’t choose to become gay; God made them that way!”

Let’s think about that. I realize that there are certain people who might have a propensity to homosexual desires. But I also agree that there are some people born with a propensity to become alcoholics. Should the church take the attitude, “You’re an alcoholic? May you glory in your drunkenness! We’ll have a cele-bration because, after all, that’s how God made you!” Or there are many folks with a propensity toward heterosexual lust. Should adultery be something you glory in? Should the church say, “No problem! We’ll make you an outstanding adulterer! Maybe polygamy will fulfill your needs. That’s how God has created you! He’s given you those desires, and those desires need to be met!”

You see, it’s ludicrous for us to take one sin and say that it is simply due to the way God created a person; God doesn’t create sin. And if you say one sin is no longer sin, that is unfair to those who are struggling with other types of sins. It just doesn’t make sense.

In the end, Christ died for all sin. His forgiveness and life transformation are available for all sin. And remember, no sin is unforgivable, and no sin is stronger than the power of the cross.

Bryant Wright
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