
Cheerful Giving


Trust stems from love toward God, which produces love toward others. Love toward others produces giving.

“Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver.”
(2 Corinthians 9:7)

Trusting God is one of the first steps toward overcoming Satan and becoming the cheerful giver the apostle Paul spoke about in today’s Scripture verse.

Trust stems from love toward God, which produces love toward others. Love toward others produces giving.

The great American minister, Jonathan Edwards, said, “Love will dispose men to all acts of mercy toward their neighbors when they are under any affliction or calamity. . .for we are naturally disposed to pity those we love when they are afflicted. It will dispose men to give to the poor, to bear one another’s burdens, and to weep with those that weep, as well as to rejoice with those that rejoice.”

This giving spirit was evident in the Philippians, who faithfully supported the ministry of the apostle Paul. By their support, these people were counted as fellow laborers in Paul’s work.

By the same token, everything we do for others we also do for Christ.

Daily Scripture Reading:
Psalms 103-104, 113-114, 117

The Root of Evil  
Toilsome Labor  
"But I Didn't Do Anything!"
Freely Give
Angus Buchan
Have you ever asked, "Why, God?"
Emily Manke
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