
Declare Victory


What enemies do you have in your life that you need to pray against and claim victory over today?

Read: Psalm 108:1-13

In Psalm 108:13, David prays out of desperation: “Oh please, help us against our enemies, for all human help is useless” (NLT). He follows up with a declaration: “With God’s help, we will do mighty things, for he will trample down our foes.”

As a young man, David ran for his life from his best friend’s dad. As the king, David was almost always at war. He was a man with real enemies who wanted him dead. While our circumstances are probably different, I suspect most us can relate to David’s desperation.

For months, my enemy was depression. But a few days ago, my doctor said I was no longer depressed. With Jesus’s help and the right medication, I overcame.

Like David, I prayed desperately for rescue and was reminded of the truth. Toward the end of my depression, God reminded me that Jesus had already rescued me when He died on the cross. Through Jesus’s death and resurrection, God declared victory over a broken world. Jesus beat my physical enemy, depression, and my spiritual enemy, Satan, before I was even born. Victory was mine, and like David, I needed to claim it. 

There is no better place to take our desperation than before the Lord. What enemies do you have in your life that you need to pray against and claim victory over today? Remember, it is OK to not be OK, but it is not OK to stay that way.

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