Do You Aim for Perfection?

“Finally, brothers, goodbye. Aim for perfection, listen to my appeal, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.” (2 Corinthians 13:11, NIV)

The world encourages us to be comfortable and to tolerate mediocrity. It says that doing just enough to get by, getting a passing grade or meeting the minimum requirement is just fine.

As Christians called to a higher standard, shouldn’t operating in a spirit of excellence be our norm? Apostle Paul, intensely passionate and bold, is a man after my own heart. Like Paul, I’ve always encouraged my clients to aim for perfection.

Several years ago as I wrote a sentence in a marketing piece I was about to send, I struggled to describe myself. Finally my thoughts became clear and I wrote, “I demand excellence.”

The truth of that statement settled in. I demand excellence from myself and my clients. I coach, mentor, support, and encourage them in their pursuit of excellence (perfection). I explain that as Christians, we can turn to the Gospels and read about the life of Jesus and see how He modeled excellence. I encourage my clients to think, act, speak, love, confront others, pray and live by faith like Jesus. I’m quick to explain that without Him we can never reach our goal. I point out that when we rely on and trust in Him, and allow His grace to rest on us, perfection is possible.

Child of God, ask yourself if you’re giving your very best at work and at home? Are you striving and stretching to grow and develop or hiding out in the shadows of mediocrity? Do you show up and give all you have or just go through the motions and watch the clock? If you went before Jesus today, would your faith walk speak for itself or would your life be a picture of good intentions, failed attempts, and endless excuses? I join Paul in encouraging you, begging you, to aim for excellence (perfection). In Jesus, it is possible.

Lord, thank you for showing us a model of excellence and perfection. Jesus, teach me to strive for excellence in all I do and say, knowing that in you, I am made perfect. Through the blood of Jesus and in the name of Jesus I pray, amen.

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