With a very busy day ahead of me, a dark cloud of stress hung overhead. Having written my “to-do” list, I asked the Holy Spirit to help me hear His timeline so I could get it all done!
Tackling number one, I felt a nudge on my heart, “Start with worshiping Me.” I don’t really have time for that, Lord! But peace came as I made a decision to start the day right.
Setting my list aside, I turned on worship music in my living room. As I listened to scriptures woven throughout the lyrics, I saw again how His Word was exactly what I needed to start my day.
This year, I am purposing to listen. Dictionary.com defines listen as: to give attention with the ear; attend closely for the purpose of hearing.
To listen, I have to be focused on hearing, purposefully and selectively, because what I hear has the power to change to me.
Romans 10:17 says, “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” (ESV)
When I hear God’s Word, set to music or taught, my faith grows. I need, then, to put myself in a place where I can hear (not just read silently) God’s Word. I’ve begun to look for new ways to hear Scripture.
One of those ways is reading the Bible out loud. This has a few great benefits. I stay awake (a serious consideration when it’s early in the morning or late at night!). Side note: the other day my daughter asked me if I shouldn’t start praying with my eyes open because I tend to fall asleep…even on my knees!) When reading God’s word aloud, anyone who hears me also gets to hear God’s Word! And my faith is built.
When little children first learn how to read, what does their teacher make them do? Read out loud. Why? Hearing builds comprehension; it helps us understand the material better.
The same is true when it comes to reading God’s Word. “Faith comes by hearing.” Reading out loud helps build our comprehension of what Scripture is telling us, as well as our faith. This is good for us and our children!
We can read the Bible out loud to children or better yet, have them read to us! Even if just for a small pocket of time: on the way to school, after dinner, before bed, or coming home from sports practice.
Keep a Bible in the car, by your kitchen table, or near the TV. I once heard a great author say he grew up in a home with books everywhere. In every room, on every table, there was a book. It became a natural thing to just pick them up and see what each page held! Let’s do the same with God’s Word and make it easily accessible.
Hearing God’s Word is important. Let’s start listening today by turning on some praise music, reading Scripture out loud and listening to sermons. Our faith will begin building quickly!
Pray this prayer for help today: Lord, I need to build my faith for all that You have given me in this life. Holy Spirit, whisper to me, showing me pockets of time when I can hear Your Word for myself and for my children too. Amen
Written by Lynn Cowell