Does God Allow Satan to Afflict People?

Q: Does God allow Satan to afflict people? 

A: God will permit only what we permit. He has given us the right to choose—life or death, blessing or cursing (Deuteronomy 30:19). When God created man He created him in the image and likeness of God. Adam walked and talked with God and knew Him. God never required him to be sick to know Him. Adam never experienced sickness until he changed gods. Adam was the one who made the decision to disobey. He was not forced—he made the decision on his own.

Satan’s ability to afflict people was severely restricted with Jesus’ victory at the cross. When you make Jesus your Lord, Satan’s authority over you is ended. But the enemy still attempts to deceive you by circumstances and to rob you of your rights in Christ. He will dictate to you as long as you continue to live by what you see, hear or feel.

God has never used Satan to discipline His Body and keep it in line. He sent His Word to do that. Second Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.”

So, people are not being afflicted by Satan as a means of God’s correction. People are being afflicted by their words and actions not lining up with God’s Word. Scripture is our answer to Satan’s desire to be exalted above God and his continual attempts to deceive us into using negative words of defeat.

The course of nature is set into being by words. Not one thing happens in this universe without it being spoken first (James 3). When faith-filled words are released, they dominate the laws of sin and death. You are the establishing witness in this earth, and those who carry out the words you speak—the angels of God (Psalm 103:20) or the demons of hell (Ephesians 6:12)—bring into existence the things you have released out of your mouth. For success, confess the Word and act on it.

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