Driven by the Wind

The Spirit and the wind—in both Hebrew and Greek, they are the same word, and scripture and Jesus took advantage of the wordplay. “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit” (John 3:8 NKJV). To be moved by the Spirit of God is a lot like being moved by the wind. 

What does that mean for us? That our movements appear unpredictable and sometimes unreasonable to a watching world. That we have to be ready to shift at any prompting the presence and the voice. That while others stress planning, ambition, common sense, risk management, and practical wisdom, we have to hold all strategies loosely and be prepared to defy others’ expectations. We will always, in some degree, be unexplainable.

Don’t shrink back from that description. The wind will ultimately take you where you want to go, but rarely on the path you expect. You have no obligation to explain the Spirit’s movements to those who demand an explanation from you. Embrace the unexpected, and live the adventure. You are meant to be driven by the wind.


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