
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6 nkjv) 

With words like these, Jesus virtually compels us to come to a decision about him. Either he was an arrogant deceiver, or he was and is the only way to God. We could arbitrarily decide he never said such things, of course, but then we’d have a lot to explain in terms of his lightning-rod effect on those around him and his subsequent massive following. Regardless, his words as delivered to us are unsettling. They ought to put us on high alert.

Think about it. If what Jesus said is true, then it’s urgent, intense, of highest priority, of life-or-death importance. It isn’t a choice on the buffet; it’s everything. If what Jesus said is not true, then he was never a significant figure in the first place. If it was true but distorted in the recording of it, then the God who sent him somehow forgot to arrange for the preservation of the message. From a Christian perspective—and I’d suggest even from a reasonable outsider's one—only the first option makes sense. His words are true, and therefore of earth-shaking importance.

That has massive implications for our lives. It should send us searching for what it really means to be “in Christ” or to walk by faith in his power and presence. It should spark all sorts of spiritual discussions that go much deeper than the ones we normally have. It should be revolutionary—in the internal and external reaches of our lives.

Never underestimate the weight of the gospel. It’s not just an aspect of our character or one part of our lives. It’s everything. The early church treated it as such, and time has not changed its nature at all. Live in awe of it, but more than that, spend your days exploring every facet of it.

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