2 Corinthians 13:5
"Examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine. Test yourselves. Surely you know that Jesus Christ is among you; if not, you have failed the test of genuine faith." NLT
Ever been at a checkout line and had a cashier test your quarter, nickel or dime to see if it's real or not? I'm sure you haven't, but how about twenty or one hundred dollar bills? They test these two often. Why is that? They test the larger bills because it's worth the test. If it's important to test to see if our currency is real, how much more should we test ourselves to see that our faith is genuine? Here are some things that each of us can ask:
- Am I praying? Am I praying with faith and trust?
- Am I serving? Am I serving with passion?
- Am I believing? Am I believing with confidence?
- Am I asking for forgiveness? Am I asking forgiveness with humility?
- Am I worshipping? Am I worshipping with the joy of a sinner forgiven?
- Am I giving? Am I giving with gladness?
- Am I reaching out? Am I reaching out with love?
If you tested yourself, and you are not sure where you stand with the Lord, then come to Him afresh. Be honest with God. Confess your sin, trust in His amazing grace and then live for Him. He desires to guide your life and to use you to change the world around you. Are you ready?
Life Lesson: Spiritual self-examination examines not only the fruit or the works, but even examines the heart behind it.
Dear Jesus,
I believe You died for me, so that I could be forgiven. I believe You were raised from the dead, so that I could have new life. I know I have done wrong things, and I'm sorry. Please forgive me and give me the power to follow you all the days of my life. Amen.