Faithful Companion

“I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.”  (Proverbs 8:17, ESV)

I am not naturally a morning person but do my best to carve out a few moments to spend with the Lord before starting my busy day. Occasionally, however, I find myself woken up before sunrise; I like to believe it is at His beckoning, nudging me to come spend time at his feet. I sneak down to my chair, spread out my Bible, and sit in the quiet stillness of predawn.

Within minutes, our little terrier—noticing my absence from the bedroom—comes downstairs and begins to search for me. Shocked to find me in my favorite overstuffed chair, (a dog of very little brain) she gallops towards me full of excitement to see her master. She plants herself right in front of me, where she will continue to sit and stare, anxiously waiting for recognition and affection.

And she won’t leave until she gets it.

After a few minutes pass, if I don’t acknowledge and touch her, she will let out a gentle, pathetic whimper as if to say, ‘Hello, I’m sitting here waiting!’

I always give in and rub her head with one hand, balancing my Bible in the other. She doesn’t demand a long cuddle, just a short and sweet greeting will suffice and then she scampers off.

Sigh. It never ceases to amaze me the lessons this little mutt can teach.

Our Lord loves it when we seek him; when we’re excited to find alone time with him. And more than just loving our search, He loves us! He intended for us to sit patiently and wait for His touch. To tarry in His presence... Our eyes turned up to the master, waiting for whatever it is He has for us that day.

My mutt has rediscovered me and is waiting again; as I look down into her hope-filled eyes, I wonder if my pathetic needy look warms His heart as well.

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