Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Every single one of us is different. While our DNA is 99.9% the same as any other human, there are 3,000,000 differences between every human and every other human. We’re all unique.

And that’s just what we’re born with. Add the unique influence of parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, teachers, ministers, counselors and friends and we become even more different from each other. Pour each life over years of “one of a kind” experiences and you see why every single person becomes so unique and different.

Our omniscient Heavenly Father isn’t the least bit surprised by the person you’ve become. In fact, He had a huge role in shaping your journey, creating some of the opportunities you’ve had, and redeeming some you tried to make for yourself.

So now we're going to expand our purpose statement template again:

“I (your name ) glorify God by loving and serving others, and by ___________ them...”

What will you put in the blank? What is this "third word" for you? If we’re all made to love and serve, what are you uniquely wired to do?

We’re talking about verbs here. Things you do that excite you, come naturally, and that you’re good at.

A light just came on for a few of you. You’ve known for a long time…just never put words to it.

You’re known for this. People have been blessed because you do this and you’re so good at it. You’re the "go-to guy" when it comes to this particular thing. Let me give you some examples:

My friend Greg’s "third word" is encourage. He “gives people courage.” Morning to night, inside his business and out, Greg has this uncanny unction to say just the right thing at just the right time to encourage people. And it’s not just me. It’s hundreds of people. It’s not flattery. And it’s not "rose-colored glasses" puffery. He can "go negative" with the best of them. But his unique “gift to the world” is encouragement.

Another friend’s third word is “connecting.” He’s the most passionate, natural networking person I’ve ever met. He’s constantly linking people with ideas, people with books, and people with people. God is using his connecting skills to build "bands of brothers" all around. But his unique “gift to the world” is connecting.

The first place to look for your third word might be in what have people said about you. How do they describe you to others? What are you known for? Are you a problem solver? Are you the guy who always does a great job organizing things? Maybe you’re the person everyone goes to when they need wisdom in their relationships. Don’t build your "third word" on a random comment, or even on two or three random compliments. I’m talking about what you’re famous for. Trends. Distinguishing characteristics demonstrated over a long period of time.

Hopefully, you’ve "congealed" around one word by now. Your "third word." This will become the unique word in your purpose statement. If you haven’t done it yet, it’s time to get low and go big, to get down on your knees and put all this on the altar of our Creator God. He’s been with you on this journey toward purpose long before you knew you were on it. He’s been giving you experiences, exposing you to people and situations, directing you to schools, seminars, retreats, specific courses. He’s been putting books in your hands and sermons in your ears…all to prepare you for the moment you’re ready to grasp His unique purpose for you. Don’t hold anything back. Humble yourself.

“Speak Lord, your servant is listening. Almighty God. I’m all in. Show me the uniqueness you’ve put in me. Remove my unbelief so I won’t limit what You want to do in and through me. Go big, God. Go big!”

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