Finally Home

Scripture: Genesis 32:1-35:27

After a long time, family squabbling, treaty making, the rape of his daughter, murder of her rapist, plundering and intermarrying, our Patriarch is finally back in Mamre, the land of his father. Jacob had to have let out a sigh of relief and a loud “amen”! However, he had to settle in without his beloved Rachel.

After all the controversy he overcame, his arrival home did not come without its own share of conflict. Before he could hang the "Home Sweet Home" sign over the entrance of the family tent, he had to face an opposing force from his past: Esau. The brother he cheated out of a birthright…the brother who threatened to kill him.

You know Jacob had to be shaking in his cloak at the thought of meeting up with Esau. Aren’t we all when we face our greatest fear?

Jacob’s response to fear can we our response to fear.

  • Pray. (Isn't it cool we pray to the same God that Jacob prayed to all those years ago?)
  • Don't let fear dictate our obedience to what God tells us to do. (32:9)
  • Remain humble in our approach to Him. (32:10)
  • Admit our fear (32:11)
  • Recount the Lord's promises, name the one by one (32:12)

Many times what we fear the most never happens. This was the case with Jacob. God had worked in Esau's life. The brothers’ reunion would have made a beautiful Norman Rockwell portrait.

Sometimes what we fear the most does happen - and maybe worse - but that does not change who God is and what God can do. God would have still been the same God, even if the family reunion did not go well.

Is there something that you fear? Use Jacob's guide to facing your fear and watch God work.

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