God-Given Vision

God gives impossible vision. If it were possible, it would be an assignment or a project--but it is vision. When vision takes shape on the earth, there will be no doubt about Whose vision it is. God will implant vision in you that only He can bring into being. "We have these treasures in jars of clay so that we will know that this all-surpassing power is from him and not from us" (2 Cor. 4:7).

If you have scaled back or watered down God's vision, you are not "[taking] hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of [you]" (Phil. 3:12b). God will not bring about a diluted form of His vision. You may bring about a diluted form of His vision, but He will not. If what you are envisioning about a situation negates or underestimates the power of God, you are not praying the vision, not claiming the promise. You are limiting God by expecting of Him only what you can imagine.

The call that God has placed in your life, the vision that He has implanted in your imagination, is also a promise. He will bring it about. He will provide for every need in relation to the call. He will provide your passion, your insight, your clear understanding. He will open every door. He will give the finances. He will provide what you need when you need it as you walk out the call, always listening to His now-speaking voice. Every time you act in faith you give substance to God's promises. "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times having all that you need, you will abound in every good work" (2 Cor. 9:8).

What are the circumstances in your life that look overwhelming and impossible? Now place them against the backdrop of the amazing power and astonishing love of God. Do they look different now? Do you see them as they are? Every circumstance, every need, every desire is God's entry point into your life. Every difficulty is simply highlighting the exact place where God will apply His power. Every challenge or obstacle is God's opportunity to substantiate His promises. Problems are nothing more than labor pains as God brings about the birth of His vision.

This content taken from Fueled by Faith by Jennifer Kennedy Dean.

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