
God's Love Has Never Been Without Effect in Your Life


Not once has love ever failed, nor will it fail. There has never been an occasion in human history where the love of God was not without effect.


Love never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8).


Love never fails. Isn’t that great news? God’s love never fails. Think about this for a moment. Never is a strong word. What it means is that not once has love ever failed, nor will it fail. There has never been an occasion in human history where the love of God was not without effect.

The same is true for you. God’s love has never been without effect in your life. That is good news, powerful news.

When you look up the Greek origin of the word fail, you see that it means ‘to fall’. It is the same word used to describe the stars falling from heaven in Mark 13:25. Love never falls away. It never fails.

God’s love is always the answer. That’s why we endure. That’s why we persevere. That’s why we believe. That’s why we protect. That’s why we have patience. That’s why we’re kind. That’s why we rejoice with truth. Love is always the plan. Here is the truth: God will never fall away from loving you through thick and thin. Right now, at this very moment, he is directing every aspect of his love toward you. And this will always be the case.

You may recall the story of Peter in prison. Luke recorded it in Acts 12. The church was fervently praying for his release. During the night, an angel appeared to Peter in the prison cell. He struck Peter to wake him up. When he did, the chains fell off Peter’s wrists. “Fell off” is the same word Paul used to describe the idea that love never fails. Unlike the chains on Peter’s wrists, God’s love will never fall away from you.

Paul wrote very plainly that prophesies would fail, tongues would cease and knowledge would vanish. But not love. It remains. It never fails.


Look back at your life. As you do, ask the Lord to show you the ways in which His love changed you. You will be amazed and awed. When you needed patience, He was patient with you. When you needed kindness, something beneficial and useful, God acted on your behalf. When the lies of the world were pressing you down, God’s truth prevailed bringing freedom and peace to your soul. During all the trials and tribulations you’ve experienced, God’s protection brought you through. There has never been a time in your life when God gave up on you. That’s why you can share with others that God’s love never fails.

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