
God Will Never Leave His Throne


No matter what the latest issue is, whether it's in your life, your country, or in other parts of the world, you can be certain that God is absolutely on His throne. He is sovereign, and His rule and reign over all the earth and beyond will endure forever.

I remember playing “king of the hill” as a kid. All you needed was a big pile of dirt and the tenacity of a playground bully. Whoever stayed on top of the pile of dirt while pushing other kids off… won. Or reigned… over the dirt… What was the point? Oh yeah! To get dirty and push other kids (which is NOT cool).

Here’s a really simple truth to remember today: God will never vacate His throne.  He rules and reigns over all things. He is absolutely sovereign. He’s the Creator and Sustainer of everything. So He’s in charge, and it’s a good thing since we’d be absolutely, hopelessly lost for all of eternity without His gracious plan to save us through the life of His Son, Jesus.

But you, O Lord, will sit on your throne forever. Your fame will endure to every generation.

- Psalm 102:12

So when life gets tough…
When earthly governments mess life up for people…
When power grabs hurt those we love…
When there doesn’t seem to be peace anywhere…

God is absolutely on His throne – His rule and reign are solid and sure and will endure to every generation. I don’t want my kids to learn how to play “king of the hill” mainly because I don’t want them to get pushed off a pile of dirt. But I definitely want them to experience and celebrate the rule and reign of God over all things. Thankfully, all who trust in Jesus will experience His gracious and just rule for all of eternity together!

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