Grace For Your Place

But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be. (1 Corinthians 12:18, NIV)

Did you know you have an important place in the plan of God? You do! Jesus has a place for you to serve in His Church – the Body of Christ! By His grace, assistance and discernment, you can and must find your place!

Your place is important. God’s plan isn't the same without you. Like a jigsaw puzzle with a missing piece – God’s plan without you in your proper place messes up the whole deal! Don’t forget, when you are not in your place, the overall Body of Christ suffers. Something is missing. There are gaps. Sure, the Lord finds ways to fill your spot. But to do this, He often has to tap into others to do double-duty to cover your place. The best plan is for you to discover your place and then function there!

Interestingly, your place is not necessarily a “position.” It’s a spiritual place. It may be a place of service, support, leadership, help, giving, hospitality, teaching, mercy or administration – or some other place whereby you serve the Lord and His Body.

What kind of people is the Lord gracing for their placing? He’s looking for those who have been emptied of “self” and are focused on being full of His grace! He’s looking for those who don’t care about title or position on the org chart; rather, he's looking for those who have a heart to serve the Lord and advance His Church. He’s looking for those who are passionate about what He is passionate about – reaching the lost, building up His people and producing fruit that remains! He’s looking for those who want nothing more than to see His Name exalted and revealed and His glory filling the whole earth!

There is no doubt – you have been gifted and anointed by the Lord to play a particular role in His Church. Anything less than that will be totally unfulfilling. You were born-again to take your place. It’s wired into your spiritual DNA. Anything less than bearing much fruit in your life will leave you with a big sense of dissatisfaction. Sometimes, getting to your ultimate “place” is a progressive work with a few ups and downs and missteps along the way. But as we grow and mature and lean on His grace, the Lord is able to open doors for us to enter our “place.” Then, we can serve Him and His Church most effectively.

Be encouraged – if you will seek the Lord, He will give you all the grace you need to be the person He’s called you to be, in order to stand in your place. Today, why not receive more of His grace and take your place in His Church!

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit – fruit that will last…” (John 15:16, NIV)

Say It: “Father, I ask You to do a thorough work in me so that I stand perfect and complete in Your will and purposes. I know that my ‘place’ is not a position or title, but one of obedience to You. At the end of the day, I want to fulfill my place in Your Church. I want to be counted faithful so that much fruit can be produced through my life. I ask You to open my eyes to any adjustments I need to make to receive more grace to stand in my place. In Jesus' Name. Amen."


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