He Baptizes Us

“‘Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.’” -- Luke 24:49

Have you ever been out to dinner and the waiter comes by after the meal to ask if you saved room for dessert? Most of the time, people say, “No, thanks.” When Debbie and I are out to dinner, I’ll peruse the dessert menu and find something that looks really good. When the waiter comes by, just before I order the hot fudge brownie with ice cream, I’ll look at Debbie and notice a certain look on her face. She doesn’t have to say anything to let me know I shouldn’t order that dessert. That’s when I tell the waiter, “No, thanks.”

This is a funny illustration, but it’s similar to the way many Christians view the baptism in the Holy Spirit. In fact, many Christians aren’t even aware of it. The Bible says there are actually threeseparate baptisms that can take place in the life of a believer. There’s the baptism of the Holy Spirit, water baptism, and the baptism in the Holy Spirit. The first one, mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:13,happens when we get saved. The Holy Spirit baptizes us into the body of Christ. Essentially, the Holy Spirit introduces us to Christ.

After that, Scripture tells us to get baptized in water, which is the outward expression of what has taken place within. It signals that our old nature has been washed away. The third baptism is the baptism in the Holy Spirit, which empowers us to live righteously, and it takes place when Jesus baptizes us in the Spirit.

Jesus was the first person ever baptized in the Holy Spirit and the first person the Holy Spirit descended upon and then remained within. In Acts 2, Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would do the same with us, thereby empowering us to walk in a new life.

However, many Christians avoid this third baptism because they think they don’t need it. After all, the first baptism—getting saved and believing in Jesus—is all we need to get to heaven. But the Bible says when we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, we are given power from on high. Let me tell you from experience, the Christian walk is much easier with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Do you need another baptism? Do you want to be immersed in the Holy Spirit? You don’t have to wait. Receive Him today. 


Holy Spirit, thank You for introducing me to Jesus and for bringing me to salvation. Thank You that when we receive You, You help us to live holy lives full of Your power and grace. I receive You today. Immerse me in Your presence. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


  • Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16; John 1:33; 1 Corinthians 12:13

Taken from The God I Never Knew, a Gateway devotion. 

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