Holding Someone Up

Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”  Hebrews 10:24

The July 2, 1956 issue of Time Magazine contained an article about a man named Dawson Trotman.  He was the founder of the Christian organization, The Navigators, whose focus is “to know Christ Jesus and to make Him known.”  Renowned evangelist Billy Graham, who preached Trotman’s funeral, said, “I think he had personally touched more lives than anybody I have ever known.”  Can you imagine having Billy Graham describe your life in that way?

Dawson Trotman, however, was not only known for his life, but also for his death.  In 1956 he was water skiing on Schroon Lake, NY.  While riding in the boat, both he and another passenger, Allene Beck were thrown into the water when the boat bounced on a wave.  Knowing Ms. Beck couldn’t swim, Trotman swam to her and held her head above the water until the boat could circle around and get back to her.  Dawson Trotman died by drowning as he fought to save the life of Allene Beck.

The caption under his photo in Time Magazine appropriately read, “Always Holding Someone Up.”  The article also aptly closed with, “He lived to save others.  His death was just the way he would have planned it.”

In Hebrews 10, we find one of the most beneficial purposes of Christian fellowship – encouragement.  The phrase “spur one another on” in verse 24 means, to incite or stir up.”  As members of God’s household, we are to give careful attention and thought to how we can encourage one another to live a life that glorifies God.  Like Dawson Trotman, we should be known for always holding someone up.  

Are you a member of a local church body?  If so, are you actively serving in that body?  Do not overlook the importance of encouragement within the Body of Christ.  We all have been equipped by Christ with something to give.    

Heavenly Father, Please help me to be an encouragement to others.  Show me today how you want to use me and give me the strength to follow where You lead.  May You hold others up through my willingness to serve You.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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