How Sweet the Sound

Galatians 1:11

"Dear brothers and sisters, I want you to understand that the Gospel message I preach is not based on mere human reasoning." NLT

"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me."

Those words are some of the most famous and beautiful words of Christian history, yet it's not because of who wrote 'Amazing Grace' but rather because that line rings with a very powerful, eternal truth. Grace is truly amazing. Consider the reality of God's grace.

Grace allows us to fly even though we have fallen in the past.
Grace allows us to be strong even though we have been weak in the past.
Grace allows us a bright future even though our past would condemn us.
Grace allows us to go out and try awesome things because we have a clean slate.

When we trust in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we begin living in the grace of God. We are made right with Him, not because of our works but because of His amazing grace. The sad reality is that many Christians do not understand what grace means in their life. They continue to try and earn God's love and forgiveness when the truth is that His love and forgiveness come by means of His grace. Today, bask in the amazing grace of God and experience the freedom and love He offers.

Life Lesson: A Christian not understanding grace is like a prisoner who doesn't understand a pardon, freedom, or amnesty. Both just sit in the cell, not enjoying their freedom.

Dear God, 
Thank you for your grace. Help me to truly understand what it means to be saved by grace. Help me to break free of any misunderstandings of works-based religion and instead live in the freedom You offer. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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