No Wine Left?

And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him,“They have no wine.” (John 2:3)

Jesus performed His first miracle in Cana of Galilee. The miracles of Jesus are called signs by John in order to emphasize the significance of the miracles, rather than the miracles themselves. They revealed the various aspects of the person or work of Christ, and their purpose was to encourage faith in His followers.

At the wedding, they ran out of wine. It is quite possible that Mary was in charge of the wedding festivities. Therefore, a failure would be a reflection on her, and for a moment, she panicked because the wine supply had failed! He was her son, it was true, but she had already pondered much in her heart about what kind of man He really was. She knew that He was none other than the Son of God, the Messiah, so she came up to Him and asked Him, “Won’t You do something about it?” “Woman,” He basically said, “Leave it to Me. My hour is not yet come. Be confident that I have a plan for all of this, and at the right moment, I will act.”

There was panic and chaos at the wedding, but the Lord Jesus brought order out of it. In the same way, when He comes into a person’s life, He brings order out of chaos. God had a plan for His Son, who walked every moment and hour according to the divine program. He has a plan for your life, too. Do you have that divine sense of direction and destiny in your life?

So often when we’re faced with a chaotic situation, we throw up our hands and say, “I quit.” This is when we ought to remember that Jesus specializes in bringing order out of chaos. We can’t, but He can.

Lord Jesus, we’re so thankful that You’re always with us. Sometimes we’re just having fun or celebrating a special event in our lives, and then trouble comes. When chaos occurs and the cold hand of panic grips us, we can count on You to bring order and peace to the situation we’re facing. Amen.


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