


The child of God can rest assured the Lord will not let go of His children. His discipline is designed to turn our hearts toward Him, the only sure source of grace and peace. 


If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT)


This is the final devotional in our series A Pilgrimage Fueled by Hope and it’s so appropriate we end with a quick review of lessons learned from Jehoshaphat. From Jehoshaphat we are reminded we are in a marathon, not a sprint. No matter what systems we put into place with the hope they become our “default mode” or “auto response” to life, we will still sin against God. Our sinfulness will take us on rabbit trails, far from the Lord. We will make bad choices and suffer consequences, but these consequences are designed to help turn our hearts back to our God.

We wanted to ask Jehoshaphat, “What were you thinking?” when he made the alliance with evil Ahab. Yet, we realized the same question could be asked of each one of us when our sin results in consequences that impact others. 

Although Jehoshaphat sinned against God, God did not abandon him. When Jehoshaphat cried out for help, God saved him. The child of God can rest assured the Lord will not let go of His children. His discipline is designed to turn our hearts toward Him, the only sure source of grace and peace. 

Where are you today in life’s pilgrimage? Are you struggling to stay focused on responding to life through the grid of Scripture? Is sin knocking on your door, and are you tempted to welcome it in? Are you suffering so deeply you are willing to try anything to mend the broken places, even behavior that leads you further away from God’s peace?




As we wrap up this series, be encouraged when rebuke comes from the Lord, the rebuke is a messenger of grace. Humble yourself before the Lord in repentance. Seek His wisdom, pray, ask others to pray with you and for you. Fill your heart with praise for God’s past faithfulness and present promises. Taste and see that the Lord is good and wait on Him to fight this battle for you.


In our next series, I’m excited we will be welcoming six guest writers to Daily Treasure. Each one writes with their own style of writing that addresses topics close to their hearts. Have you ever read an article, book, or blog post, or heard a speaker and wanted to shout, “What she said!” Your heart resonates with the message and you don’t think you could say it any better. I am looking forward to introducing you to these women who have impacted me. 


Next Sunday I will introduce you to Sarah Ivill, author of, The Covenantal Life: Appreciating the Beauty of Theology and Community, as well as other Bible studies and books. Some of the Scriptures she showcases in the devotionals next week are my favorite Psalms. I know the Lord will encourage you through her writing, as she has encouraged me.


This is a good time to invite friends to subscribe to Daily Treasure. You won’t want to miss one of these devotionals in our new series, What She Said!

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