Full Sermon
LUMO - John Parent Post (02:01)
Sermon Clips
(John 1:1-18) The Word Becomes Flesh (03:38)
(John 1:19-34) The Lamb of God (02:33)
(John 1:35-51) The First Disciples (02:41)
(John 2:1-12) Jesus Changes Water to Wine (02:05)
(John 2:13-25) Jesus Cleanses the Temple (02:50)
(John 3:1-21) The New Birth (03:59)
(John 3:22-36) John the Baptist Exalts Christ (02:16)
(John 4:1-26) The Living Water (04:26)
(John 4:27-54) Nourished by His Work (03:49)
(John 5:1-18) "Do You Want to Get Well?" (03:52)
(John 5:19-47) Honor the Son, Honor the Father (04:18)
(John 6:1-15) Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand (02:15)
(John 6:16-27) Jesus Walks on Water (02:43)
(John 6:28-60) Jesus, the Bread of Life (04:34)
(John 6:61-71 and 7:1-10) Opposition to Jesus (03:00)
(John 7:11-24) Jesus Teaches at the Festival (01:59)
(John 7:25-44) Division Over Who Jesus Is (03:05)
(John 7:45-53 and 8:1-11) More Attempts to Trap Jesus (03:36)
(John 8:12-30) Pharisees Dispute with Jesus (03:41)
(John 8:31-59) Dispute Over Whose Children Jesus' Opponents Are (05:08)
(John 9:1-12) Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind (02:59)
(John 9:13-34) The Pharisees Investigate the Healing (03:03)
(John 9:35-41 and 10:1-21) Abundant Life Through the Good Shepherd (03:48)
(John 10:22-42) The Shepherd Knows His Sheep (02:35)
(John 11:1-16) The Death of Lazarus (02:28)
(John 11:17-44) Jesus Comforts Lazarus' Sisters (04:19)
(John 11:45-57 and 12:1-11) The Plot to Kill Jesus (04:14)
(John 12:12-36) Jesus' Triumphal Entry (03:55)
(John 12:37-50) Belief and Unbelief Among the Jews (02:16)
(John 13:1-18) Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet (03:12)
(John 13:19-38) Jesus Predicts Betrayal and Denial (03:44)
(John 14:1-14) The Way (02:33)
(John 14:15-31) Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit (03:04)
(John 15:1-17) The Vine and the Branches (03:08)
(John 15:18-27 and 16:1-15) The World's Hatred (03:39)
(John 16:16-33) Sorrow Will Turn to Joy (03:15)
(John 17:1-26) Jesus' Prayer for Protection and Unity (04:21)
(John 18:1-24) Jesus Arrested (04:48)
(John 18:25-40 and 19:1-3) Jesus Before Pilate (03:35)
(John 19:17-27) The Crucifixion of Jesus (03:29)
(John 19:28-42) The Death and Burial of Jesus (03:45)
(John 19:4-16) Jesus Sentenced to Death (02:41)
(John 20:1-18) The Empty Tomb (03:19)
(John 21:1-14) The Miraculous Catch (02:40)
(John 21:15-25) Jesus Restores Peter (03:02)
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