
Lake of Fire


Make sure you have accepted Christ as your Savior; otherwise, God has no choice but to cast you into the Lake of Fire.

If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:15 NIV

A common belief among many these days is that, since God is a God of love, He would not allow His creation to suffer in a place called Hell. Dear friend, do not let this myth keep you from spending eternity with God and His Son, Jesus Christ! Because if you believe this lie, it surely will!

I don't know how a person can really be saved, and not believe in a literal Hell. The Bible clearly says that there is this awful place reserved for those who reject Christ. The penalty for sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through Christ! In my Christian life, I have spent far more time studying Heaven than I have Hell. I want to know about the place where I will one day reside. I can tell you, however, from the studies I have done, Hell is not a fun place! It will be eternal torment for those who choose to go there. (Rejecting Christ is choosing to make Hell your home.)

You need to understand that God is Love, but He is also holy. His character contains no sin, and because He must protect His holiness, He can allow no sin into His presence. Sin must be punished, and that punishment is separation from God. God loved us enough to send His Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. Our responsibility then is to accept the free gift of the Son. We believe and accept Jesus as our Savior.

If we don't, however, God has no choice but to cast us into the Lake of Fire. If He didn't, He would be a liar and wouldn't be God! I have news for you. When that judgment day comes, God will do just as He has promised. If your name is not in there, you will go to Hell, forever! There will be no more opportunities for grace!

If I were you, I would make sure my name is in the Book! God Bless you as you seek Him today!

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