Let Change Point You to the One Who Never Changes

Rain wasn’t predicted, but black clouds stretched across the sky in spite of the forecast. I made it home with my groceries before the downpour began. A bright flash of light and a deafening crack of thunder rooted me to the spot. I could see smoke pouring across the yard, and its acrid smell soon followed.

It was obvious something had been struck by lightning. Was the house on fire? After a quick check inside and out, I couldn’t find what had caused all the smoke. The house seemed fine aside from a tripped switch and the loss of our cable, internet, and land line.

A puzzling question

It seemed odd the odor of smoke was so strong inside the house. When my husband Steve got home later that evening we discovered the source of the smell.

Apparently the lightning strike had caused electricity to travel through the ground. Our invisible fence had been vaporized, causing the billows of smoke I had seen. In addition, the electricity had exited in two spots in our basement – both where metal exercise equipment was touching the floor. The carpet in those locations was ripped to shreds and blackened. We were fortunate a fire hadn’t started.

One minute it was just an unexpected rain storm; the next, a potentially dangerous situation. I was reminded of how quickly things can change. The disciples witnessed this first hand.

Boating gone bad

After a long day of listening to Jesus preach to the crowds, the disciples headed across the sea at Jesus’ instruction. Jesus headed to the back of the ship, leaving the disciples to man the vessel. No doubt Jesus’ teaching gave them plenty of food for thought, and the seasoned fishermen guided the boat skillfully across the water.

What began as an easy journey across the lake, quickly turned into a nightmare. The water had been smooth as glass when they started, but a strong wind had come out of nowhere creating angry waves capable of capsizing their boat.

As the water crashed over the sides of the ship, the disciples must have tried everything they knew to do to keep their boat afloat. These men were used to handling the turbulence of the sea; but this time they knew they were in trouble.

The Master speaks

In desperation they ran to Jesus who had fallen asleep. How could he sleep at a time like this? Didn’t he care about them? They woke him up.

Jesus’ response left them speechless:

And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. Mark 4:39

Jesus was greater than the forces of nature. At his word, nature obeyed (click to tweet).

He doesn’t change

Circumstances in our lives can change in a moment. It’s comforting to know the One who is in control of it all – He never changes.

For I am the Lord, I change not; Malachi 3:6a

Your turn

Have you gone through a life-changing circumstance recently? Will you cling to God, knowing that He never changes?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Thank You for the reminder that things can change in a moment. I’m so glad You are the One in control. Help me trust You when circumstances change, knowing that You have my best interests at heart. Help me cling to You – You never change. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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