Life's Monsters

“What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it—we’re called children of God! That’s who we really are.” 1 John 3:1 (msg)

I heard his footsteps before I saw him pajama-shuffle out to the living room. “What’s up, Paxton-boy?”

“I’m dweaming of monsters again, Mom. You need to pway,” he managed around his thumb.

Back in his room, I tucked him in and then asked Jesus to help him feel safe and protected in his cozy bed. After a kiss and another whispered “I love you, buddy,” Paxton was on his way to Dreamland.

That routine still amazes me, even after a dozen times. I marvel at my little boy’s ability to take Jesus at His word. Just a prayer for protection, and all cares are set to rest.

I teach my children to trust Jesus, and they’re born pros. So why do I still need so much practice believing Jesus will conquer life’s monsters? Because I’ve heard so much about the sorrows real-life monsters can cause.

Knowing well the realities of evil, Jesus still trusted his heavenly Father, and he urges us to have childlike faith. perhaps we adults need a reminder of who our God is and what it means to be His child.

A child’s ability to trust a parent depends on how well he knows that parent’s love. As God’s child, do I really know His love enough to trust Him with my concerns? Enough to rest during any moment, knowing He has potential pitfalls in hand? Do I really understand 2 Timothy 1:12 (nlt): “I know the one in whom I trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him”?

Jesus is not surprised by life’s monsters, and He still tells us to trust Him.

FAITH STEP: Ask and trust Jesus to grow your childlike faith in the heavenly Father you share.

Written by Erin Keeley Marshall

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