Lift Them Up in Prayer

And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God. Colossians 1:10

Have you ever had someone pop into your mind out of the blue? You may have be thinking about dinner or what kind of fishing lure you should use for your next cast, and bam! Some random person appears in your mind and you think, “Wow, that was strange.” 

Believe it or not, this could be God’s way of letting you know that person needs your prayer.

It’s pretty easy to pray for ourselves, isn’t it? We know what we need, what we struggle with and what our dreams are. But what about that person we haven’t seen in years? Or even the people we don’t know? How do we pray for them? 

The verse above gives us at least three things we can pray for other people, or pray into someone’s life, even if we don’t know their current situation. And when we pray for others, like in the today’s verse, God uses us in an incredible way. And our prayers enhance and deepen our relationship with God.

Right now, think of someone who has been on your mind lately and take some time to pray for them to grow in their knowledge of God so that they may “live a life worthy of the Lord.”


Dear God, Please help me to be more aware of the people who you lay on my heart and mind. Help me to take the time to stop what I’m doing and lift them up in prayer. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. 

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