More of a Heart of Flesh

It's never too late to make some "New Year’s Resolutions".  Their success or failure are based on your heart. Have you tried before to have regular quiet times, or lose weight, or watch less television and failed? This time could be different.

Studies show that it takes 30 days of walking in a new path for it to be forged. Would you join me, and consider asking a friend to join you as your accountability partner, walking in a new path, asking God for more of a heart of flesh? 

Salvation is both an event and a process, like a marriage begins with an event (and yes, you are really married after the wedding) but, oh, what a process in learning how to truly love. For the most part, most of you have experienced the event, and are now in process. Though we cannot change our hearts, we can cooperate with the Spirit of God and see the ice melt as His Holy Spirit breathes warmth, fire, and grace into our lives.

  • Meditate on Ezekiel 36:26
  • What promise does God give here?
  • Who accomplishes this?
  • Think about one way God has changed you, chipping away the stone from your heart, in the last few years.

Ask God to show you where He would like to do a transforming work in your life. Seek Him on this—being still before Him. You may need to come before Him several times, be alert, and patient. This is the beginning of transformation, seeking what He wants to change in you. Let’s start with “one stone” instead of a whole quarry. You may have several stones come to mind, but let Him show you where to begin. By being very specific, you are more likely to succeed. Here would be some specific examples:

  • Spending time with Him.  (Then ask Him to show you how to do it.)
  • Eating in a healthier way. (Then ask HIm to show you how to do it.)
  • Putting more edifying thoughts into your mind. (Then ask him to show you how to do it.)
  • Caring more for “the least of these”. (Then ask Him to show you how to do it.)
  • What are some possible stones that come to mind?
  • What stone is He leading you to tackle first? How could you be specific? Again—ask Him.
  • Who might you invite to join you in this journey? You are more apt to have success with an accountability partner. Again, ask Him.



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