
Nagging Wife


God did not create your husband to be your everything. Lay your burdens at God’s feet and ask Him to meet your needs.

Proverbs 19:13

A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping.

No one wants to be the wife that nags, but we are all guilty of it at times.  It takes determination and constant submission to God, to steer clear of this trap.  We quarrel and fight with our husbands usually because we want our way.  We want our husbands to clean the house, to watch the children, to be the spiritual leader, to provide financially for our family, to go the extra mile in the marriage.  When these things don’t happen, we start to fight or nag, like a constant dripping faucet.  A dripping faucet is not effective, it is just annoying. We don’t want to be that wife who is constantly complaining --the wife whose husband never hears her, because he begins to tune her out.  

So then, what do we do with all of our complaining?  Do we just forget about it?  Push it under the rug and hope that your husband will wake from his slumber one day and correct his ways?  We must start taking our complaints, our needs, our desires to God.  Lay your burdens at God’s feet and ask Him to meet your needs.  Allow God to meet you where you are and take that burden off of your husband.  God did not create your husband to be your everything --that is God’s job.  Sometimes God uses your husband to meet your needs, but that is just a bonus! Only God can meet all of your needs and satisfy you completely, so start looking to Him.

Prayer: Father, First, thank You for my husband, for my marriage and my children; I am blessed.  Lord, I confess today that I do look to my husband to meet my needs and when he falls short, I get very angry at him and start to complain.  God, my method is not working.  Instead of motivating my husband, I am annoying him.  Instead of loving my husband, I am pushing him away.  I pray that I would begin to recognize when I am looking to my husband to meet my needs and in that instant stop, and give those requests to you.  You are capable of meeting all of my needs and You are the one I need to look to for help.  

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