No Sin Is Too Great

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace (Ephesians 1:7, NIV).

Abortion makes me sick—most of all for the most innocent of all human creation, the unborn child. But it also makes me sick at the thought of doctors, who are called to save lives, taking part in the murder of human life. In addition, look what it does to the feminine psyche, in a perverted hardness of heart to the basic calling of motherhood, not to mention the unnecessary guilt that can be haunting for life.

Yet understand this: if you have had an abortion or taken part in an abortion, it’s vital for you to remember the good news of Jesus Christ. There is no sin so great that Christ can’t forgive it through the cross. Not one! Christ has paid the penalty for every sin you and I have committed. The only unforgivable sin is to reject Him. So when you and I acknowledge our sin, confess it to God, and come to Him with a repentant faith, God cleanses us. He forgives us.

As fellow repentant sinners, we welcome you into God’s house and into Christian fellowship. We invite you to receive the love and forgiveness of Christ. Brothers and sisters in Christ are eager to embrace you and pledge to you acceptance, respect, and assistance. True love and acceptance from the body of Christ are available to you if you are willing to receive them.

Remember, no sin is too great for Christ to forgive.

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