
Oh Be Careful Little Ears What You Hear


What we choose to listen to and the things we say are giving away our heart condition.

This week we're continuing on through the book of Proverbs in our study. Download the Weekly Guide for Spiritual Growth and then read the article below!

O be careful little ears what you hear 
O be careful little ears what you hear 
For the Father up above 
Is looking down in love 
So, be careful little ears what you hear 

O be careful little tongue what you say 
O be careful little tongue what you say 
For the Father up above 
Is looking down in love 
So, be careful little tongue what you say 

I can remember growing up singing this at the top of my lungs in Sunday school - innocent beyond belief and with so much conviction to follow all the rules. As we have been reading through Proverbs this week this song kept ringing in my ears. So many verses referencing what we listen to, what we say, and how it reveals our heart. 

Take a read... 

A wicked scoundrel wants to dig up dirt on others, only to spread slander and shred their reputation. A twisted person spreads rumors; a whispering gossip ruins good friendships. - Proverbs 9:27-28 

Those eager to embrace evil listen to slander, for a liar loves to listen to lies. - Proverbs 17:4 

He who covers and forgives an offense seeks love, but he who repeats or gossips about a matter separates intimate friends. - Proverbs 17:9 

Listen before you speak, for to speak before you’ve heard the facts will bring humiliation. - Proverbs 18:13 

Listen to counsel, receive instruction, and accept correction, that you may be wise in the time to come. - Proverbs 19:20 

Don’t ever say, “I’m going to get even with them if it’s the last thing I do!” Wrap God’s grace around your heart and he will be the one to vindicate you. - Proverbs 20:22 

Those are some blunt and convicting words. Very black and white if you ask me. Makes me want to self-evaluate where my heart is at. How about you? If you would say yes, take the challenge at the bottom of this article.  

Are we actually taking the wisdom we learned from the song above and applying it or do we not even give it a second thought to what we are listening to or saying in our daily lives? These scriptures are telling us that the things we choose to listen to and the things we say are giving away our heart condition! 

The greatest thing about Proverbs is that this was all written out of the heart of God through the wisdom He gave Solomon. He wants our hearts to be, and stay, pure and these verses and so many others serve as a reminder to keep checking ourselves. We aren’t perfect and we all fall short but the Holy Spirit convicts us in a loving way saying, “Ok, you are headed the wrong way. Lets reroute. Let’s refocus. Let me show you the way of grace, mercy, and righteousness.” Or sometimes it’s a word of wisdom to be applied in a coming situation.  

Heart-check Challenge: 

  1. Download the weekly guide here.
  2. Read the Proverbs chapters listed out in the guide for the week.
  3. Pick five verses that talk about listening or speaking. Answer the following questions:
  • Take a moment and pray for wisdom and understanding. Pray through Psalm 139:23-24.
  • What is the common theme between the verses you picked?
  • Why do you think those spoke to you?
  • Is there a life event or relationship causing this to be a challenge? Pick an accountability partner that you're around frequently to challenge you when issues stemming from this arise. 


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