Perfect Life

Hebrews 10:14

Because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.

So many times we strive as moms to live a perfect life. We try and try to create the perfect family with everyone loving each other and getting along.  We work hard to create a perfect home filled with warmth and love while adorned with the perfect decorations and furniture. We attempt to create perfect memories for our children with holiday traditions, perfect family vacations, and perfect summertime activities. But so many times, our perfectly orchestrated ideas fall short, and we walk away feeling defeated.

Don’t be defeated as a mom. Realize that perfection will only be achieved when we get to heaven. On this earth, life is not perfect. Take heart, however, that we are made perfect IN Christ. Because of Christ and His perfection and Him living in us, we are perfect through Him. When God looks at us, He doesn’t see our imperfections, but He sees His perfect son, Jesus. 

We can have a small slice of perfection on this earth through Jesus Christ. As you go about your day today, change your focus from, “I must create the perfect home” to “Our home is perfectly suited for us because Jesus abides with us here; and through Jesus, we are made perfect.” It will change your mindset and alter the way you view yourself. You will begin to exchange your feeling of inadequacy for one of competence in Christ.


Father, Thank you for your son, Jesus. Thank you that in Jesus, I am made perfect. Thank you Father for loving me enough to send your son to pay for my sin, so that I may have a relationship with You. God, as I go about my day, help me to keep my focus always on You and not on my circumstances or my failures.  Fill me with your love, joy and grace. 

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