Praise Him

Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Psalm 150:1,2,6 ESV)

We women love to get compliments. We like it when our friends gush over a new outfit, our boss gives us props for our project, or our husbands take notice of a successful meal (in our house that means I properly executed the recipe, not the smoke alarm).

How much more worthy is He of our compliments! For all His deeds and His excellent greatness!

You know, when I am asked why we worship – why we raise our hands or sometimes bow or weep – I am mystified. He inhabits the praises of His people, people. Why wouldn’t we worship?

When we humble ourselves and prepare our hearts to enter into his presence, it’s a crazy, holy deal. It’s supernatural.

I remember once hearing a teacher explain resonation in relation to a piano. When you hit a C key, all the other C strings in the piano resonate too, vibrating and slightly responding involuntarily (even though their key was not touched). They can’t help themselves. This is true of each and every note on the piano keyboard. If a piano is out of tune, this is one way you can tell.

So, when we are unified and we gather together as God’s people, His Spirit moves and tugs at all our hearts. That’s why fellowship and group praise is so important and powerful. We can’t help but be moved by His Spirit with our brother and sisters in the Lord.

How are your praise notes these days? Are your heart strings tuned to the Truth? Does your spirit resonate and you can’t help but enter into praise? Sometimes we find ourselves a bit flat. We don’t have to stress about it or call a repairman; we just spend some time with the music maker. He’ll have us tuned up in no time.

Lord, thank you for my sisters and brothers in Christ and for their love for you. Help me to make fellowship and group worship a priority in my life, and prepare my heart to resonate in agreement as we do.

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