
Recognizing Our Banquet Table


We are walking in the blessings daily which we are praying for nightly. We have already received everything in Christ.

If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Luke 11:13.

Bruce and I are so incredibly fortunate to have been placed in the amazing families we were.  Both his parents and my parents have always shown complete love, support, and provision when needed.  Even as a married couple, there were times life required us to go to them for financial and emotional support.  We went to them in complete confidence of their faithfulness for guidance and encouragement, to listen and share their wisdom, to ask and then receive.  While thankfully my mother is still alive, the other three parents have gone to glory.  There are certainly times when their absence is more greatly felt than other times.  All of us feel that void when circumstances arise and the first thing we do is to pick up the phone to gnaw on it with your loved one.  But then we remember…

As much as our parents desired/desire to be there for us and share everything they have, we have a Father in heaven who desires even more.  His storehouse bursts at the seams with love to lavish on us.  His wisdom and knowledge is ours for the asking.  Everything He has He offers… everything He owns He shares.  He gave His son for each of us, so why would we think He would withhold anything good from us?  The Bible states in Ephesians 1:3 that ‘God has given us every spiritual blessing in Christ’… 2 Peter 1:3-4 shares that ‘His divine power has given us everything we need…and that through his own glory and goodness he has given us his very great and precious promises so that we may participate in the divine nature.’  These are things we pray for as if we have not yet received them.  The truth of the matter is we are walking in the blessings daily which we are praying for nightly.  We have already received everything in Christ.  God tells us that once we ask for the Holy Spirit to take up residence in us, we possess the ability to access the fullness of God. 

I remember a while back a preacher told me that the more He understood God the less he prayed for himself.  I was taken aback because I know that God instructs us to pray ‘in everything’ and I am a huge proponent of God being in the details.  But I think that my friend was speaking more of understanding that the majority of what we pray for has already been beautifully sprinkled around our lives.  We take things to God hoping to receive when it is already done in God.  Just as we laid out our children’s days when they were dependent on us, God has our days laid out with blessings and provisions.  That is what having a child-like faith seems like to me: rising is the morning fully anticipating breakfast already on the table from our Father and walking out His plan for our day.  ‘Because of our Lord Jesus Christ, we can pray with confidence as deeply loved and highly favored children of God who’ve been urged to ask.  We do not know what the direction will be, but we know our Father will give it. We do not know what the provision will be, but we know our Father will make it…Nothing is more appropriate than going to God to get what we lack.  But, oh the relief of realizing what bounty He’s already spread before us on the banquet table.’ Children of the Day, Beth Moore, p. 193.

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