
Relational Rejections


The Lord can heal even the deepest of hurts . . . although not always on this side of Heaven.

“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.” (John 15:18 ESV)

My husband and I sometimes have Christian movies playing as we sit on opposite ends of the couch working. Usually I can push them into the background and focus on my tasks, but the other day I was captivated by a reoccurring message in all three different movies, (yes, that’s right – three movies in succession – we’re just wild and crazy like that).

Now, here’s the thing. The three movies were very different and chosen at random yet in each one there were father and son relationships that were deeply affecting the main characters. It reminded me of how years of rejection and/or undeclared love can result in layers of protection being built up in peoples’ lives. Dysfunction was passed down from generation to generation in the storylines we were watching.

The message and impact was not lost on me.

To be rejected by peers is one thing . . . but to have our parents or children push us away is a pain like no other. God designed us to want and need these important connections. In these 3 movies, physical or emotional damage was inflicted on the sons by the fathers. It was hard to watch. The circumstances behind these men’s actions were complicated and different in each storyline, yet the pain that resulted just as impactful. In the end, the writers did a great job bringing the stories full circle and showing each father’s angst and regret for mistakes made.

Of course the whole point of the movies was to show us the power of redemption. Of how the Lord can heal even the deepest of hurts . . . although not always on this side of heaven. It’s easy to dismiss this idea as just an easy plot development for made for TV movies, but the reality is . . . this is His reality.

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:18 ESV)

We all have felt the sting of rejection but we can stop generational damages by confessing our hurts and resentments, and getting healing and restoration from a Father who’s good.

Father, thank You for giving us a glimpse of Your Abba Father heart. Help us to turn to You for the healing and acceptance we may not have received and needed as children. Holy Spirit, hold us in Your love and fill us with Your presence so that desperately needed healing can begin. Thank You for restoration and redemption! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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